Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Thank You for the Celebration

The staff of the Sylvia Gaither Garrison Library would like to thank the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture, the Friends of the Bannker-Douglass Museum, the Banneker-Douglass Museum Foundation, the staff of the Banneker-Douglass Museum, C.R. Gibbs, Dwyane Lee, Cheryl Elliott, and the attendees of the event for helping to make the fourth anniversary celebration of the Sylvia Gaither Garrison Library a joyous occasion. To find out what happened during the anniversary celebration, please click on this link: http://bannekerdouglassmuseum.blogspot.com/ and type Sylvia Gaither Garrison Library fourth anniversary in the search box.

Pictured from left to right: Chairman Ted Mack, BDMF Board Member Linda Simms, and Commissioner Dr. Clara Small