Thursday, October 30, 2008

Make Your Voice Heard

If you haven't already done so -and if you live in Maryland you have not- don't forget to vote on Tuesday, November 4th. Turnout is expected to be at record high levels -I have heard the figure 130 million bandied about- so expect a line. But be patient, your vote really does matter. As we saw in both 2000 and 2004, a ballot here and a ballot there may well decide who our next President will be.

Also, as a final reminder, please be sure to attend the library's first anniversary party on Saturday November 1st. The Navy football game isn't until 3:30, so getting into the city for the event shouldn't be too difficult. But if you are concerned, why not come early and tour the museum before the event begins at 1? See you there!

Robert Walsh
Friend of the Sylvia Gaither Garrison Library

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